Boiler House Upgrade – Dunsandel Milk Production Plant

In a recent project involving the upgrade of equipment within Synlait's large boiler house, valued at approximately $1 M, we navigated complex challenges with precision and agility. Meticulous risk management was at the forefront of our strategy, as we handled the complexities of machinery operating at high temperatures and strict hygiene protocols in operational food production environments.
Our proactive communication with stakeholders ensured safety measures were in place before conducting surveys and equipment shutdowns in the live production environment, which were kept to a minimum.
Effective documentation and communication were paramount particularly as each area had a dedicated client project manager requiring coordination, liaison and relationship building. Using our 12d Synergy common data environment (CDE), we recorded all correspondence linked to the project ensuring accuracy of communication and accountability to each stakeholder.
This proactive stakeholder engagement and risk mitigation reinforced the value of early communication and thorough planning to ensure project success in a dynamic operational environment.
During the project we encountered pre-existing historic survey data for certain parts of the project which necessitated the overlay and integration of new information.
We devised a new approach prior to attending the site where we incorporated advanced survey control techniques and used our online point cloud platform to access and review the existing data. By aligning the new data with the old, and ensuring accuracy through rigorous field validation, we seamlessly integrated the information without any discrepancies. This experience underscored the importance of robust data management practices and proactive planning in maintaining project accuracy and efficiency, ultimately contributing to the overall success of the survey campaign.
Our approach to this project enabled us to meet project objectives with precision and efficiency. The project stands as a testament to Babbage's ability to deliver innovative solutions while navigating the intricacies of industrial operations.