Sustainability and Carbonzero
Babbage is the first multi-discipline engineering consultancy practice to be Toitū net carbonzero certified.
At Babbage sustainability is built into each project we engage in, from the design phase onward, delivering on the best possible sustainable outcomes for our clients. Whenever possible we build using materials and methodologies that will have the lowest impact on the environment.
Babbage believes buildings should provide environments that contribute to physical and mental health, and should enhance creativity and productivity.
Sustainability is about more than just “being green”, it’s about delivering productivity gains for the client. Babbage is a Toitū net carbonzero certified organisation in line with ISO 14064-1.
The programme was established in 2001 and is based on a wealth of data around the impacts of climate change, greenhouse gas and carbon. The Toitū net carbonzero programme enables participants to reach a carbon neutral state through a three-tier approach – measure, manage and mitigate.
Babbage was the first multi-discipline engineering consultancy to achieve Toitū net carbonzero certification in New Zealand and, as such, we are committed to managing and reducing our greenhouse gas emissions through an active management programme of work.
We bring the knowledge and understanding we've achieved through the Toitū net carbonzero programme to bear on all our projects, no matter how big or small the job.
We are certified

Some Sustainable Projects
Our Commitment to Sustainable Building
Bioresearches has now been wholly merged into Babbage Consultants Limited. Bioresearches offers specialist ecology and environmental consultancy services. For more details on Bioresearches services and capabilities please visit their website here: