NPTC Pet Food Factory
The Project
Babbage proposed a “one-stop-shop” service delivery model whereby all consenting and design works would be completed by Babbage in-house.We provided planning, design integration, geotechnical, civil, architectural, structural, building services and fire engineering services to NPTC, and successfully obtained the necessary resource consents and subsequently lodged the Building Consent in a time that was 30% faster than what the client’s timeline had originally allowed.This time saving ultimately allows NPTC to get to market faster.Babbage demonstrated the advantages of utilising this model in not only increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of communication and design works, but also minimising the COVID- 19 interruptions to business activities and allowing NPTC to remain within its timeline.
Project Components
2.5 ha Greenfield site
Petfood canning plant
Design works for resource consent
Full design package for Building Consent
Land Surveying and Geotechnical Engineering
Construction monitoring